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Theta Healings   $165

Theta Healing allows you to let go of old trauma and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living a full, vibrant and deeply satisfying life. Each session is unique for everyone and will depend on your own needs and personal life experiences. This is the perfect session for closing old doors and releasing old ties so you can free yourself physically, emotionally and mentally. Through supportive counselling and gentle yet powerful energy work, this is a heart-to-heart session allowing you to embrace life and discover your limitless potential.

Readings with Cindy Ross

An accomplished psychic and channel Cindy provides you her connection with the Universal realm. She easily taps into the lives of her clients with the most important information coming through on all levels past, present and future, as well as any other guidance Spirit is offering. Cindy is also an instructor of the intuitive arts for the past 15 years and has been reading the tarot for over 30 years for a select clientele.

Trained as an Advanced Theta® Practitioner her intuitive abilities have helped many in the areas of healing the mind, spirit and body. She is always receiving messages from her guides and those who have passed on.  This has made for an interesting life journey, especially when it comes to those who have departed.  It seems that part of her life mission is to be an interpreter for the dead helping the living understand what death is really all about. Of course, in Cindy’s world there is no death and what interesting stories the dead do tell!

The world of the paranormal is also a large part of Cindy’s profession. She has her own number 1 rated Ghost Tour business in North Texas. Building it from the ground up she offers her guest a glimpse into Texas’s Wild West past through the eyes of the psychic. She weaves the history with her psychic abilities so her guest can understand the paranormal occurrences. Want to check out the world of the paranormal? Check out Cindy’s Ghost tours at

Call or Text (972) 922-4675 to book.