Oracle of Stars: Tarot Readings with Psychic Medium Cindy Ross
Oracle of Stars provides tarot card readings, psychic medium, and intuitive spiritual guidance by Cindy Ross, Professional Psychic, Medium and Tarot Card Reader, located in Dallas TX. An accomplished psychic and channel Cindy provides you her connection with the Universal realm. She easily taps into the lives of her clients with the most important information coming through on all levels past, present and future, as well as any other guidance Spirit is offering. Cindy is also an instructor of the intuitive arts for the past 15 years and has been reading the tarot for over 30 years for a select clientele.
Trained as an Advanced Theta® Practitioner her intuitive abilities have helped many in the areas of healing the mind, spirit and body. She is always receiving messages from her guides and those who have passed on. This has made for an interesting life journey, especially when it comes to those who have departed. It seems that part of her life mission is to be an interpreter for the dead helping the living understand what death is really all about. Of course, in Cindy’s world there is no death and what interesting stories the dead do tell!
The world of the paranormal is also a large part of Cindy’s profession. She has her own number 1 rated Ghost Tour business in North Texas. Building it from the ground up she offers her guest a glimpse into Texas’s Wild West past through the eyes of the psychic. She weaves the history with her psychic abilities so her guest can understand the paranormal occurrences. Want to check out the world of the paranormal? Check out Cindy’s Ghost tours at
Call or Text (972) 922-4675 to book.

Tarot Card Readings with Cindy Ross
Briday's Unique Goods, Grapevine, TX
Call or Text (972) 922-4675 to book.
Client Reviews

“I first met Cindy in a metaphysical gift shop at least 15 years ago. She has a calming, kind and gentle demeanor. I learned she read tarot cards and was fascinated. After many years of searching, Cindy’s readings truly felt like messages from the universe (god). Cindy puts you at ease immediately and delivers only positive messages to encourage and give the recipient guidance as to the possibilities coming your way! Cindy has become a beloved and dear friend to me. I trust her with my deepest thoughts and so enjoy her company and her skilled understanding of spirit.“

“I have been getting readings and healing from Cindy since 2010 or so. She has a real knack at getting to the crux of things. Her 2021 reading for me was very helpful as I returned to her messages at the beginning of each month. She has given me many tarot readings and each has helped me through a difficult period in my life. I have also participated in a few of her workshops. She did a past-life regression for me and it answered many questions I’ve had over my lifetime. I had her do a theta healing session on me. Again, it answered many questions I had. The most fun though was her Ghost Tour of Lewisville. You will be thankful for engaging Cindy. I know I am!”

I first met Cindy when Christmas shopping in downtown Grapevine. I was drawn into Brigay’s after noticing the crystals and singing bowls in the window. As I made my way toward the back of the store I saw the table where Cindy did mini readings. I had never had a tarot card reading in my life. I had time for a mini reading and love to try new things, so I figured why not? I was hooked after that first reading. I was utterly amazed at how accurately the cards were describing my life. After that reading, I booked a full reading with Cindy two months later. Again, I was blown away. I laughed, I cried, I left feeling encouraged, validated and inspired. The following month I invited my friends over for mini readings and Cindy wowed them just as she had me! I love Cindy’s relatable personality and she is SO knowledgeable about the card meanings and interpretations because she has been doing this for so long. I would highly recommend Cindy whether it is a ghost tour or tarot reading, you will not be disappointed! She is the real deal!
Call or Text (972) 922-4675 to book.
Tarot Readings & Psychic Medium Services & Healings
Cindy offers a variety of psychic readings and healings for you to experience and enjoy. Click Readings and services at the top of page for more information.

In depth readings to help you navigate important life changes and make fortunate decisions that favor outcomes best for you.

Peer into the past, present and future to better understand where you’ve been, what currently is happening, and future possibilities.

Healing guidance involving career, love lives, personal development and future fortunes to be manifested now and in days soon to come.
Call Cindy at (972) 922-4675 for more info.

Gateway Ghost Tours & Paranormal Investigating

Your local psychic, Cindy Ross and paranormal investigator Vale Morehouse welcome you. This is a 90 minute after dark tour through Old Town Lewisville. You can join the Gateway Ghost Tour of Old Town Lewisville, Saturday evenings starting at sundown. Gateway Ghost Tours is located at 165 W. Main St., Lewisville, TX 75057.
The tour will discuss not just the ghosts, but the true history of the Lewisville area beginning in the 1800′s to the present day. By doing this it is easier for us to understand the ghost sightings that we have had in the past and are currently still experiencing. Patrons of the Gateway Ghost Tour will get to experience real paranormal activities. Ghost meters are available on the walking tour. Also our ghost enthusiast’s will be able to enjoy hands on experience the old fashion way with the use of pendulums and divining rods.

As paranormal investigators and psychic mediums we teach you how to feel the different energies that are present with ghost activity. Each tour is comprised of a basic psychic development class. We believe in enriching your every day experiences with the understanding and knowledge of the world that is unseen by most. Revisit the past and walk the same streets of those who came before you. Lewisville has a rich history of the untamed West opened to those eager to settle a new land. We retell the stories of those who left their mark on Old Town Lewisville and who never wish to be forgotten.
With the presence of so many spirits that choose to show themselves along the tour our hopes are that you will gain new insights and understanding of what it is to be ghost. We are here to answer your questions and guide you into the world of the unseen.
I will tell you that our encounters with the spirit world in Old Town Lewisville increase with each tour we facilitate. Every tour is different. This is an event that you will want to experience over and over. You never know what ghost you will get to encounter next!
Tickets starting at $30.00
Click here to buy tickets now!
For more information please call (972) 922-4675
For up to the minute news on upcoming tours and events, check our Gateway Ghost Tours Facebook Page and “Like Us”!